
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Educational visits

Educational Visits

At Manor CE Academy we offer a wide variety of exciting educational visits which enhance the school curriculum and help our young people reach their full potential.

2024 Educational Visits arranged so far :

  • GCSE Science Live – January
  • Maths Live at Disneyland Paris – February
  • Yr11 trip to Boulogne – March
  • Maths trip to London – June
  • Bewerley Park – June and July
  • Barcelona – July
  • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award – July

Recent opportunities have included :

Residentials :
Malawi – October 2023
Kingswood Dearne Valley
Bewerley Park Yr9
Ski Trip Austria 2022/23

PE and sporting trips and events :

York and District competitions and tournaments entered in the following sports : football; hockey; netball; basketball; rugby – union and league; cricket;Ìý rounders; and athletics.

Ultimate frisbee indoor and outdoor competitions 2024
North Yorkshire Football competition.
Basketball Trip to Newcastle Falcons 2024

English trips and events :
York Book Awards 15 March 2024

Science trips and events :
Physics Olympics, Science Live!ÌýÌý

Young Leaders trips and events :
Amarna House Weekly Visits

Humanities trips and events :
History : People’s Museum and Science Museum, Manchester – December 2023 – Yr11

Geography :ÌýYork Urban Study – September 2023 – Yr11; MaybeckÌý – July 2024 – Yr10

RS :
Yr7 – Holy RedeemerÌý

CCF trips and events :
CCF Annual Camp – July 2024Ìý

DofE trips and events:
Manor CE Academy DofE – July 2024

ISSP trips :

Yr7 – Breakthrough
Yrs 7-8 Lectures at the University of York
Yr 7-10 Masterclasses
Yrs 7-10 Summer School


Financial assistance

Financial assistance for educational visits may be available through Act S435.