
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Able, gifted and talented

Manor CE Academy is committed to the provision of high-quality education for all students but recognises the need to make additional provision for students who are able, gifted and talented. All students have the right to equality of opportunity; to experience teaching which allows them to move forward in their learning and to be provided with opportunities and appropriate support to meet their individual needs.

We are committed to:

  • providing an environment which encourages all students to maximise their potential
  • recognising the needs of more able students both academically and socially
  • ensuring that more able students are motivated to achieve to the best of their ability
  • providing enrichment and enhancement opportunities for more able students where
  • communicating effectively with parents and carers with regard to issues related to the Gifted and Talented
  • providing a co-ordinated approach to transition between the primary and secondary phases


A gifted student is one who has the potential to excel automatically in one or more subjects such as English, Drama, Technology or Mathematics.  A talented student is one who has the ability to excel in practical skills such as Sport, Leadership or Artistic Performance (Government Definition – April 2008).  An able student is identified using a variety of methods such as National tests, Cognitive Ability Tests in Year 7, teacher assessment and nomination.  This is a continuous whole school process.

Manor’s provision for Gifted and Talented students

is an equal partnership of 11 secondary schools in York of which Manor CE Academy is a member.

As well as providing for our most able students through differentiation in lessons, Manor is very proud of its association with the York ISSP and the significant additional opportunities this partnership offers our most able students.

Find out more about our work with York ISSP