
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns
01904 798722 (#5) hello@mce.hslt.academy
Principal - J Cairns


Transition calendar

Dates for your diary

Our transition programme includes various opportunities for you and your parents/carers to familiarise yourself with our academy before starting in September 2023.

If you are interested in taking part in any of the events below, please contact Miss L Scaum.


Tuesday 4 July 2023 (5.00pm): Opening Evening

During this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet the Principal, your Year Leader, our SEND team, and your tutor. You can speak to some of our current Year 7 students and ask them any questions you may have – after all, they were in your position last year! It will also be an opportunity to purchase any uniform, and ensure you are ready for your first day in September.

Thursday 29 June 2023 (9am to 3.00pm): Supported Transition Day

This year we have a number of students who are joining us from non-feeder primary schools, and as such may be the only student from their current primary school moving to Manor CE Academy. We recognise that this adds another level of anxiety to the whole process, and want to help.

With this in mind, we are holding an additional event, which will allow those new students who are coming from non-feeder primaries, to meet each other prior to the official transition day. By doing this we hope that to help facilitate the formation of new friendships, and ensure that there is a familiar face when all of our new students come together on 5 July. We would also like to invite those students with additional needs or difficulties to attend this preparation day.

Wednesday 5 July 2023: Transition Day

This is the citywide transition event. All Year 6 students within the City of York are given the opportunity to spend a day in their allocated secondary school. At Manor CE Academy this day is packed with activities that focus on primarily on fostering positive relationships, and developing confidence.

Thursday 6 July 2023: Additional Transition Day

This year, in addition to the citywide transition event, we are holding a second transition day. During this time, our new Year 7s will follow a timetable of lessons in the same way as our existing students. They will undertake familiarisation activities – both of the building, routines and expectations. It is a fantastic opportunity to iron out all of the creases, and alleviate some of those anxieties, before starting in September.